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Explore Taiwan & Expand Your Horizons

From the food to the nature, to the creativity and the culture, Taiwan has something for everyone.

CGY provides plenty of opportunities for you to make the most of life here, deepening your understanding of local culture and society, experiencing personal growth, and making new friends along the way. We run weekly activities around Taipei, monthly day trips outside of the city, and quarterly overnight excursions to other parts of the island.

Students in Keelung Night Market.jpg

Weekly Activities

Get to know Taipei by visiting its night markets, neighborhoods, and popular spots each week. Go beyond the tourist locations and see the real city through local eyes.

Monthly Trips

Take advantage of Taiwan's exceptional public transportation and head outside of Taipei for day trips to nearby parts of the island. Hike the mountains, visit the beaches, and enjoy life outside the city - all in one day!


Quarterly Excursions

Dive into the island's culture and history on our multi-day, overnight trips to different parts of Taiwan. Better understand indigenous populations on the East Coast, explore folk religions down south, and get used to life outside of the city.

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CGY Autumn Study Events and Activities
CGY Winter Study Events and Activities
CGY Spring Study Events and Activities
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